The Taverns summary of the burg of Hloirethnor

The burg of Hloirethnor map is led by a twitching eyed Chaotic Neutral leader called Halvalor Alumorn.
Halvalor Alumorn is responsible for the welfare and betterment of 2383 Aeson (Elfish).
Tavern description
Description: Upon entering the tavern, one is greeted by a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Wooden tables and chairs made of walnut wood are arranged in a practical and functional layout. The walls are decorated with tapestries depicting dragons and the floor is covered in a thick layer of sawdust. In the center of the room is a large stone fireplace made of light beige marble, which provides both warmth and elegance to the space.
Description: A halfling bard plays a jaunty tune on his accordion, accompanied by a dwarven drummer. The music is fast-paced and energetic, reflecting the lively spirit of the tavern.
Description: A grizzled old veteran sits alone at the bar, nursing a mug of ale and staring into the distance with a haunted expression.
Description: The air in the tavern is thick with the sweet smell of pipe tobacco and the sharp tang of spiced rum. The aroma is warm and inviting, making you want to curl up in front of the fireplace with a good book.
Tavern game
Name: Horse Racing Derby
Rules: Horse Racing Derby is a game of speed and betting played with ten d6 dice. Each player takes on the role of a horse owner competing in a medieval horse racing derby. On their turn, a player rolls all ten dice and uses the results to move their horse forward, gain bonuses, or sabotage their opponents. Different combinations of dice can be used to move different distances, gain extra movement, or block other players. The player with the most successful bets at the end of the derby wins the game.
Goal: The goal of Horse Racing Derby is to be the most successful horse owner in the medieval horse racing derby by using strategy and luck to move their horse forward, gain bonuses, and sabotage their opponents using different combinations of the ten d6 dice. Players must use a combination of speed, skill, and betting to outperform their opponents and score the most successful bets.
Tavern poems
Poem: Learning to be brave, Takes courage and strength to save. Facing your fears, Will bring you cheers.
Tavern happening
Thing: The tavern keeper is trying to teach the chickens to dance.
Mystery plot
Gossip: Rumors are circulating that a powerful wizard is lurking in the shadows of the kingdom.
Industry plot
Gossip: Some say that the figure is a wealthy trader who has come to the kingdom to exploit the local population.
Leadership plot
Thing: A traveling tinker is displaying his wares on a table in the corner, offering repairs and new creations for sale.
Tavern job
Name: Defeat a Cult of Warlocks
Description: Defeat a cult of warlocks that have been terrorizing the local villagers.
Cr: 4
Why: The warlocks have been using their dark magic to summon demons and create chaos.
Backstory: The warlocks have taken up residence in a nearby cave and have been using their dark magic to summon demons and create chaos. They must be stopped before they cause any more damage.
Reward: 500 gold pieces
Taverns of Hloirethnor map
Brentrana loraword tavern Alingia tavern Berdrra tavern Lerin tavern Xilaerys alyavor tavern Gaerborin yeszaren tavern Panphanis alyovar tavern Noryaries ophiril tavern

Brentrana loraword tavern

Located in Cruml Plaza, a commercial mercantile district of Hloirethnor map
House leader
Brentrana loraword tavern is run by Brentrana Loraword is a groveling, greasy haired, chaotic neutral female half-elf sorcerer with violet eyes, auburn hair, and ebony colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map
House members

Alingia tavern

Located in Cruml Plaza, a commercial mercantile district of Hloirethnor map
House leader
Alingia tavern is run by Zeltrana Ophistaer is a talkative, big footed, chaotic neutral female half-elf monk with cornflower blue eyes, auburn hair, and hazelnut colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map
House members

Berdrra tavern

Located in Cruml Plaza, a commercial mercantile district of Hloirethnor map
House leader
Berdrra tavern is run by Xilaerys Alyavor is a optimistic, bad smelling, lawful good female half-elf cleric with red eyes, black hair, and peach colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map
House members
Gaervoril Alyavor is a caustic, crippled, chaotic good male half-elf warlock with emerald eyes, silver hair, and peach colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map
Brentrana Loraword is a groveling, greasy haired, chaotic neutral female half-elf sorcerer with violet eyes, auburn hair, and ebony colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map

Lerin tavern

Located in Cruml Plaza, a commercial mercantile district of Hloirethnor map
House leader
Lerin tavern is run by Davxiron Quedeyr is a active, distinctively ringed, chaotic good male half-elf druid with silver eyes, black hair, and amber colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map
House members

Xilaerys alyavor tavern

Located in Beht Point, a commercial education district of Hloirethnor map
House leader
Xilaerys alyavor tavern is run by Xilaerys Alyavor is a optimistic, bad smelling, lawful good female half-elf cleric with red eyes, black hair, and peach colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map
House members
Panphanis Alyovar is a determined, squinting, lawful good male half-elf ranger with silver eyes, blonde hair, and peach colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map
Norrora Mareneak is a loving, injured, chaotic neutral female half-elf warlock with silver eyes, red hair, and fair colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map

Gaerborin yeszaren tavern

Located in Beht Point, a commercial education district of Hloirethnor map
House leader
Gaerborin yeszaren tavern is run by Gaerborin Yeszaren is a devoted, wart covered, neutral evil male half-elf cleric with silver eyes, red hair, and honey colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map
House members
Gaerborin Yeszaren is a devoted, wart covered, neutral evil male half-elf cleric with silver eyes, red hair, and honey colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map

Panphanis alyovar tavern

Located in Tissi Hill, a residential wealthy district of Hloirethnor map
House leader
Panphanis alyovar tavern is run by Panphanis Alyovar is a determined, squinting, lawful good male half-elf ranger with silver eyes, blonde hair, and peach colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map
House members
Lorril Alyovar is a talkative, feline, neutral evil male half-elf fighter with silver eyes, red hair, and peach colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map

Noryaries ophiril tavern

Located in Tissi Hill, a residential wealthy district of Hloirethnor map
House leader
Noryaries ophiril tavern is run by Noryaries Ophiril is a caustic, burn scarred, chaotic evil female half-elf rogue with mink brown eyes, brown hair, and hazelnut colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map
House members
Noryaries Ophiril is a caustic, burn scarred, chaotic evil female half-elf rogue with mink brown eyes, brown hair, and hazelnut colored skin. They work in taverns guilds of Hloirethnor map