Borewelse, The Eternal
Old Lakitrius (Human) Beliefs
Folk - Shamanism
The people of Old Lakitrius believe in the power of nature and the spirits that inhabit it. They see their deity, Borewelse, as an eternal force that permeates all things and connects everything in the world.
Borewelse is seen as an all-encompassing force that governs the natural world. It is believed that Borewelse created the world and all the living things in it, and continues to guide and sustain them.
The meaning of life for the people of Old Lakitrius is to live in harmony with nature and the spirits. They believe that by respecting and caring for the natural world, they can better understand and connect with the divine.
The clergy in Old Lakitrius are shamans who communicate with the spirits and use their power to heal and protect the community. They are highly respected members of society and are often consulted for their wisdom and guidance.
The people of Old Lakitrius worship in natural settings such as forests, mountains, and rivers. These places are seen as sacred and are treated with great reverence and respect.
The people of Old Lakitrius practice rituals and ceremonies that honor the spirits and seek their favor. They believe that by offering gifts and sacrifices, they can gain the favor of the spirits and receive their blessings.
The religion of Old Lakitrius has been practiced for centuries, and is deeply ingrained in the culture and traditions of the people. It has survived wars and conflicts, and remains an important part of their identity and way of life.