Shatharb, The Selected Hawk of Snow
Berrouk (Dwarven) Ancestors
Folk - Ancestor worship
The Berrouk dwarves believe in worshipping their ancestors and paying homage to them. They believe that their ancestors are watching over them and guiding them through life. The Berrouk dwarves have a deep respect for their ancestors and honor them in their daily lives.
The Berrouk dwarves believe that their ancestors are divine beings who watch over them and guide them through life. They believe that their ancestors have the power to influence events and provide protection.
The meaning of life for the Berrouk dwarves is to honor their ancestors and to live their lives in a way that is worthy of their ancestors' approval. They believe that their actions in life will reflect on their ancestors and their descendants, and they strive to make their ancestors proud.
The Berrouk dwarves have a group of elders who are responsible for leading their communities and guiding their people. These elders are respected members of the community and are believed to have a special connection with their ancestors.
The Berrouk dwarves have underground temples where they go to pay homage to their ancestors. These temples are usually located in the mountains or underground caves.
The Berrouk dwarves believe in offering sacrifices to their ancestors in the form of food, drink, and precious metals. They also believe in holding festivals and ceremonies to honor their ancestors. The Berrouk dwarves also believe in the power of divination and often consult with their ancestors for guidance.
The Berrouk dwarves have been worshipping their ancestors for centuries. It is believed that their ancestors helped them survive a great catastrophe that nearly wiped out their civilization. The Berrouk dwarves believe that their ancestors helped guide them through this difficult time and have been watching over them ever since.