Bayankhbal, The Loud
Organized - Dualism
Bayankhbalism is an organized religion that follows the principles of dualism. It is a global religion that originated in the land of its namesake, Bayankhbal.
Bayankhbal, the Loud, is the central deity in Bayankhbalism. It is believed that he created the world and all of its inhabitants. However, there is also a belief in an opposing force, known as the Quiet, which seeks to undo Bayankhbal's work.
In Bayankhbalism, the meaning of life is to find balance between the forces of Bayankhbal and the Quiet. It is believed that living a life of balance will lead to spiritual enlightenment and bring one closer to the divine.
The clergy in Bayankhbalism are known as the Voices of Bayankhbal. They are responsible for leading religious ceremonies and interpreting the will of the divine. They are highly respected members of society and are often consulted for guidance.
The primary place of worship in Bayankhbalism is the temple. These temples are often grand structures with intricate carvings and decorations that symbolize the balance between Bayankhbal and the Quiet.
Bayankhbalism has a number of practices and beliefs that are central to the religion. These include regular prayer, meditation, and offerings to the divine. There is also a belief in the importance of living a life of balance and striving to achieve spiritual enlightenment.
Bayankhbalism has been practiced for centuries, and its origins are believed to be rooted in the ancient mythology of the region. Over time, the religion became more organized and formalized, with the establishment of temples and the rise of the Voices of Bayankhbal. Today, Bayankhbalism is a global religion with millions of followers around the world.