Kindad, The Beaver of Frost
Word of Kindad
Organized - Polytheism
The Word of Kindad is a polytheistic religion centered around the worship of Kindad, the Beaver of Frost, who is believed to have created the world. Other deities in the pantheon include Kindad's mate and children, who are revered for their various roles in nature.
The deities in the Word of Kindad pantheon are believed to be powerful beings that control various aspects of nature, such as the weather, seasons, and animals. They are viewed as both benevolent and vengeful, and must be appeased through offerings and prayer.
The meaning of life in the Word of Kindad is to live in harmony with nature and to honor the deities through worship and offerings. Followers believe that by living a virtuous life, they will be rewarded in the afterlife by Kindad and the other deities.
The clergy of the Word of Kindad are called the Frost Keepers, and are responsible for performing religious ceremonies, offering guidance to followers, and maintaining the sacred places of worship. They are highly respected in society and are often consulted for their wisdom.
The main places of worship in the Word of Kindad are natural formations such as caves, trees, and waterfalls, which are believed to be sacred sites where the deities can be reached. The Frost Keepers also maintain temples and shrines where followers can gather to pray and make offerings.
Followers of the Word of Kindad believe in the importance of living in harmony with nature and honoring the deities through offerings and prayer. They celebrate various festivals throughout the year, such as the Spring Thaw and Harvest Moon, which are dedicated to specific deities. Animal sacrifice is also practiced in some ceremonies.
The Word of Kindad has been practiced for thousands of years by the people of the northern regions. It is believed that Kindad himself taught the first followers the ways of the religion. Over time, the religion has evolved to incorporate new deities and practices, but the core beliefs have remained the same.