Khunzar, The Lady of the Sea
Runurum (Dwarven) Deities
Organized - Polytheism
Runurum Deities is the main religion of the dwarves in the land of Runurum. It is a polytheistic religion that worships a pantheon of gods and goddesses.
The gods and goddesses of Runurum Deities are believed to be powerful beings that control various aspects of the world. They are seen as both protectors and guides for the dwarves.
The meaning of life for dwarves is to honor and serve the gods and goddesses of Runurum Deities. By doing so, they hope to gain their favor and achieve a good afterlife.
The clergy of Runurum Deities are known as the Rune Priests. They are responsible for conducting religious ceremonies, interpreting the will of the gods, and advising the rulers of the dwarven clans.
The main places of worship for Runurum Deities are the great halls of the dwarven clans. These halls are often adorned with statues and carvings of the gods and goddesses.
The dwarves of Runurum Deities believe in the importance of family, honor, and loyalty. They also believe in the power of runes, which they use to communicate with the gods and goddesses. The religion also includes various rituals and ceremonies, such as the Blessing of the Ancestors, which honors the dwarven forefathers.
The religion of Runurum Deities has been practiced by dwarves for thousands of years. It is said that the first Rune Priests were taught the secrets of the gods and goddesses by Khunzar herself. Over the centuries, the religion has evolved and adapted to the changing needs of the dwarven clans.