Drater, The Wise Ancestor of Light
Word of Drater
Organized - Polytheism
The Witnesses of Ulnakilna is a monotheistic religion that worships Ulnakilna, the Ruler of all creation. It is based on the belief that Ulnakilna created the universe and all living beings, and as the ultimate ruler, guides and judges their actions.
Ulnakilna is believed to be an omnipotent and omniscient being, who watches over all living beings and guides them on the path of righteousness. It is believed that Ulnakilna created the universe and all living beings, and has a plan for everyone's life.
The Witnesses of Ulnakilna believe that the meaning of life is to follow the path laid out by Ulnakilna, to be righteous, to help others and to work towards the betterment of the society. They believe that by doing so, one can attain salvation and be united with Ulnakilna after death.
The Witnesses of Ulnakilna has a hierarchical structure, with the High Priest at the top, followed by the priests and then the common people. The clergy is responsible for interpreting the scriptures and guiding the followers on the path of righteousness.
The Witnesses of Ulnakilna worship in temples and shrines dedicated to Ulnakilna, which are found in every major city and town. The most important temple is located in the holy city of Ulthar, which is the birthplace of Ulnakilna.
The Witnesses of Ulnakilna believe in prayer, meditation and self-reflection as a means to connect with Ulnakilna. They also believe in performing good deeds and helping others, as it is considered to be a way of serving Ulnakilna. They believe in the existence of an afterlife, where the righteous are rewarded with eternal life in the presence of Ulnakilna, while the wicked are punished.
The Witnesses of Ulnakilna was founded by a prophet named Ulthar, who claimed to have received a vision from Ulnakilna himself. He spent his life preaching the word of Ulnakilna and converting people to his religion. Over time, the religion gained followers and became an organized religion with a hierarchical structure. Today, it is one of the largest and most influential religions in the world.