Ladowvault, The Loud Giver of Pain
Yanien (Human) Beliefs
Folk - Shamanism
Yanien is a shamanistic religion practiced by human tribes in various regions of the world. It is a deeply spiritual belief system that is centered around the worship of Ladowvault, The Loud Giver of Pain, and the use of shamanistic practices to communicate with spirits and seek guidance.
In Yanien beliefs, Ladowvault is seen as a powerful and unpredictable deity who can bring both blessings and curses upon his followers. He is worshipped through offerings and sacrifices, and his power is believed to be present in all living things.
The Yanien people believe that the purpose of life is to seek knowledge and wisdom from the spirits. They see the world as a complex and interconnected web of relationships, and they strive to maintain harmony and balance with the natural world.
The Yanien religion is led by shamans, who are chosen by the spirits for their ability to communicate with the divine. Shamans serve as intermediaries between the living and the spirits, and they are responsible for leading ceremonies, performing rituals, and providing guidance and healing.
Yanien people worship in natural settings, such as forests, mountains, and rivers. They believe that the spirits are present in all living things, and as such, they see the natural world as their temple.
Shamanistic practices are central to Yanien beliefs. These practices involve the use of trance, music, dance, and hallucinogenic plants to communicate with the spirits and seek their guidance. Offerings and sacrifices are also an important part of Yanien worship.
Yanien beliefs have been practiced by human tribes for centuries. The religion has evolved over time, with different tribes developing their own unique practices and beliefs. Despite this, the central focus on shamanism and the worship of Ladowvault has remained constant.