Organized - Non-theism
Sprinterism is a religion that focuses on physical and mental health as a means of achieving happiness and fulfillment. It believes that the body and mind are interconnected, and that taking care of one's physical health can improve mental well-being. Sprinterism also emphasizes the importance of setting and achieving personal goals to increase self-esteem and overall life satisfaction.
Sprinterism does not have a belief in a divine being or higher power. Instead, it promotes the idea that individuals are in control of their own lives and destinies.
The meaning of life in Sprinterism is to find happiness and fulfillment through personal growth, physical health, and achievement of goals.
There is no formal clergy in Sprinterism, but there are coaches and trainers who help individuals reach their physical and mental health goals.
Sprinterism does not have specific places of worship. Instead, individuals can practice its teachings in their own homes, at the gym, or in nature.
Sprinterism promotes healthy living through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and mindfulness practices such as meditation and gratitude journaling. It also encourages setting and achieving personal goals, and prioritizing mental and emotional well-being.
Sprinterism emerged in response to the growing awareness of the importance of physical and mental health in modern society. It was founded by a group of health and wellness experts who sought to create a religion that emphasized personal growth and self-improvement through healthy living practices.