Tumun, The Snake of Victory
Baharian Cult
Cult - Cult
The Baharian Cult is a secretive organization that worships Tumun, The Snake of Victory. They believe that through devotion to Tumun, they will gain the strength and power to overcome any obstacle in their path.
Tumun is believed to be a powerful deity who grants victory and success to those who worship him. He is also known as a god of war and is often depicted with a serpent's body and a human head.
The Baharian Cult believes that the purpose of life is to gain power and overcome one's enemies. They see victory and success as the ultimate goal of existence.
The clergy of the Baharian Cult are highly secretive and operate in the shadows. They are often feared and reviled by those who do not share their beliefs.
The Baharian Cult has no set places of worship, as their ceremonies are held in secret locations known only to the clergy.
The Baharian Cult practices a variety of dark rituals and sacrifices in honor of Tumun. They believe that these rituals grant them power and favor with their deity. They also hold a deep reverence for snakes and often keep them as pets or use them in their rituals.
The origins of the Baharian Cult are shrouded in mystery, but it is believed to have been founded in the ancient kingdom of Bahar. The cult has survived for centuries, despite persecution from other religions and governments. Today, the Baharian Cult operates in secret, with its members often holding positions of power in various governments and organizations.