Irdrurd, The Maker
Dhalgian Blasphemy
Cult - Dark Cult
Dhalgian Blasphemy is a secretive and dangerous cult that venerates Irdrurd, the Maker. Its followers believe that Irdrurd is the only true creator of the universe and that all other gods are false. They see themselves as the chosen few who have been enlightened by Irdrurd's teachings and seek to spread his message to others.
Irdrurd is believed to be a powerful and capricious god who demands complete loyalty and obedience from his followers. He is said to be the creator of all things, both good and evil, and is often depicted as a shadowy figure wielding a hammer and chisel.
The cult teaches that the ultimate goal of life is to serve Irdrurd and do his bidding. Followers are expected to devote themselves completely to his cause and seek to spread his message to others.
The clergy of Dhalgian Blasphemy is made up of powerful and influential members of the cult who act as its leaders and enforcers. They are responsible for spreading Irdrurd's message, recruiting new members, and punishing those who disobey the cult's teachings.
The cult has no official places of worship, but its followers often gather in secret locations to conduct their rituals and ceremonies. These gatherings are usually held at night and are attended only by the most devout members of the cult.
The cult believes in the absolute authority of Irdrurd and teaches that all other gods are false. Its followers seek to spread Irdrurd's message to others and often use violence and intimidation to achieve their goals. The cult also practices human sacrifice and other dark rituals in the name of Irdrurd.
The origins of Dhalgian Blasphemy are shrouded in mystery, but it is believed to have originated in the underground catacombs beneath the city of Dhalgia. The cult has grown in power and influence over the years and has become a force to be reckoned with in the world of fantasy. Its followers are feared and reviled by many, but there are also those who are drawn to its dark teachings and seek to join its ranks.