Litlecros, The Grateful
Snowvaultlian Sect
Cult - Dark Cult
The Snowvaultlian Sect is a secretive and feared cult that worships the god Litlecros, also known as the Grateful. They believe that only through sacrifice and bloodshed can Litlecros be appeased, and they perform dark rituals to honor him.
Litlecros is a god of darkness and chaos, known for his capriciousness and unpredictability. His followers believe that he can bring them great power and blessings, but only if they are willing to pay the price.
The Snowvaultlian Sect believes that the purpose of life is to serve and appease Litlecros, and to gain power and favor from him in return. They see death as a necessary sacrifice, and believe that those who die in Litlecros' name will be rewarded in the afterlife.
The clergy of the Snowvaultlian Sect are known as the Grateful Ones, and are chosen for their willingness to do whatever it takes to appease Litlecros. They are feared and reviled by the general population, and often operate in secret.
The Snowvaultlian Sect worships in hidden underground chambers and other secret locations, often in the depths of the wilderness or beneath the streets of cities.
The Snowvaultlian Sect practices dark and violent rituals to honor Litlecros, often involving sacrifice and bloodshed. They also believe in the power of curses and other forms of dark magic to achieve their goals.
The Snowvaultlian Sect has a long and bloody history, dating back centuries. They have been responsible for numerous atrocities and acts of terror, and are considered one of the most dangerous and feared cults in the world. Despite the efforts of the authorities to stamp them out, they continue to operate in secret, recruiting new members and performing their dark rituals.