Bearguard, The Pink Justice
Gloomhornian Cult
Cult - Dark Cult
Bearguard is a powerful and violent deity who demands total obedience from his followers. He rewards those who are willing to commit acts of violence and sacrifice in his name, and punishes those who fail to live up to his expectations.
The Gloomhornian Cult believes that the purpose of life is to serve Bearguard and earn a place in his afterlife. They believe that only those who are willing to commit acts of violence and sacrifice in his name will be rewarded in the next life.
The clergy of the Gloomhornian Cult are known as the Pink Priests. They are responsible for performing rituals and ceremonies in honor of Bearguard, as well as for recruiting new members into the cult. The Pink Priests are known for their use of dark magic, and are feared and respected by those who know of their existence.
The Gloomhornian Cult does not have any official places of worship. Instead, they hold their rituals and ceremonies in secret, often in abandoned buildings or other hidden locations. They are known for their use of dark magic, and many of their rituals involve blood sacrifice and other gruesome acts.
The Gloomhornian Cult believes that only through acts of violence and sacrifice can they earn the favor of Bearguard and secure their place in the afterlife. They are known for their use of dark magic, and many of their rituals involve blood sacrifice and other gruesome acts. The cult is secretive and operates largely in the shadows, making it difficult for outsiders to learn more about their beliefs and practices.
Little is known about the history of the Gloomhornian Cult. They have operated in secrecy for many years, and have only recently begun to attract attention due to their use of dark magic and acts of violence. It is believed that they were founded by a group of disillusioned Castlerian priests who were seeking a more powerful and rewarding deity to worship.