Kelanyn, The Almighty Sphinx of Ice
Nylmkian Cult
Cult - Cult
The Nylmkian Cult is a secretive and mysterious religion that worships the Sphinx of Ice, Kelanyn. They believe that the Sphinx holds the power to bring about a new ice age that will cleanse the world of its impurities and usher in a new era of purity and enlightenment. The Nylmkians believe that only by serving Kelanyn and carrying out its wishes can they be saved from the destruction that awaits the rest of the world.
The Nylmkians believe that Kelanyn is a powerful and ancient being that exists beyond the understanding of mortals. They see the Sphinx as a force of nature, capable of both creating and destroying, and believe that it holds the power to bring about a new ice age that will purify the world.
The Nylmkians believe that the purpose of life is to serve Kelanyn and help bring about the new ice age. They see themselves as the chosen ones, tasked with carrying out the will of the Sphinx and ensuring that the world is purified.
The Nylmkian Cult is led by a secretive group of priests and priestesses who are believed to have direct communication with Kelanyn. They are responsible for interpreting the will of the Sphinx and issuing orders to the rest of the cult.
The Nylmkian Cult does not have any traditional places of worship. Instead, they operate in secret, using hidden shrines and temples to perform their rituals and ceremonies.
The Nylmkians believe in sacrifice and see it as a way to honor Kelanyn and gain its favor. They also practice divination and believe that they can interpret the will of the Sphinx through various signs and omens. The cult is known for their use of ice magic, which they believe is a gift from Kelanyn that allows them to carry out its will.
The origins of the Nylmkian Cult are shrouded in mystery, and very little is known about their early history. It is believed that they originated in the frozen north, where they discovered the ancient temple of Kelanyn. Over time, the cult grew in size and influence, spreading throughout the world and gaining new followers. Today, they operate in secret, carrying out the will of the Sphinx and preparing for the day when it will bring about the new ice age.