Puryardge, The Lady of Lightning
Deercrossian Coven
Cult - Dark Cult
Salthalmi is believed to be a benevolent deity, one who provides life-giving energy to the world through her springs. The Dustcrossians believe that by communing with her, they can tap into this energy and achieve spiritual enlightenment.
The Dustcrossians believe that the meaning of life is to achieve enlightenment and transcendence by communing with Salthalmi. They believe that through this process, they can become one with the divine and experience true spiritual fulfillment.
The Dustcrossian Cult is led by a group of high priests and priestesses who are responsible for interpreting the will of Salthalmi and guiding the initiates on their spiritual journey. The cult also has a number of lower-level priests who perform various religious ceremonies and rituals.
The Dustcrossian Cult has no official places of worship, as their rituals and ceremonies are performed in secret. However, they are known to gather in caves and other underground locations to perform their rites.
The Dustcrossian Cult is believed to have originated in the deserts of the Dustlands, where the first initiates discovered the power of the bright springs. Over time, the cult spread to other parts of the world, and today it has a global following. The cult has been persecuted throughout history for their beliefs and practices, and has often had to operate in secret to avoid detection.