Ulnakilna, The Ruler
Bulunian Brotherhood
Heresy - Monotheism
The Bulunian Brotherhood is a heretical cult that originated from the worship of Ulnakilna, The Ruler, in the region of Bulun. They believe that Ulnakilna is the only true deity and that all other gods and goddesses are mere constructs of the imagination.
Ulnakilna is seen as an all-powerful being who created the universe and controls every aspect of it. The Brotherhood believes that Ulnakilna is the only deity who can provide salvation and grant immortality.
The meaning of life, according to the Bulunian Brotherhood, is to serve and worship Ulnakilna. They believe that by doing so, they will be granted eternal life and be elevated to a higher plane of existence.
The Brotherhood is led by a High Priest who serves as the primary intermediary between Ulnakilna and the worshippers. Below the High Priest are the priests and priestesses who perform the daily rituals and offer prayers to Ulnakilna.
The Brotherhood's places of worship are simple, unadorned temples that are built in remote locations. The temples are usually small and can accommodate only a few worshippers at a time.
The Brotherhood practices daily prayer and meditation as a means of communicating with Ulnakilna. They also observe several festivals throughout the year that celebrate the power and glory of their deity. The Brotherhood also believes in the concept of reincarnation, where the souls of the deceased are reborn into new bodies.
The Bulunian Brotherhood was founded by a group of dissident priests who were unhappy with the dominant religious practices in the region. They began preaching the worship of Ulnakilna and gained a small following. Over time, the Brotherhood grew in size and influence, eventually becoming a major religious force in the region. However, they were considered heretical by the mainstream religions and were often persecuted. Despite this, the Brotherhood continued to flourish and spread its message across the world.