Kingdom of Lalor

The Kingdom of Lalor's state capital is Lalor map
Trafinas Yllphanis leads the industrious Kingdom of Lalor from the capital of Lalor. map Trafinas Yllphanis is a lovestruck barbarian, sage and alchemist. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 14427 Aeson (Elfish)
Olwaris Giftumil leads the industrious burg of Imnarilelha. map Olwaris Giftumil is a satisfied wizard, folk hero and i led a militia to fight off an invading army.. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 2454 Aeson (Elfish)
Falfyr Norwarith leads the industrious burg of Mathelion. map Falfyr Norwarith is a caustic cleric, noble and viscount/viscountess. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 15638 Aeson (Elfish)
Cobwynn Jillumin leads the industrious burg of Entheluguall. map Cobwynn Jillumin is a caustic fighter, sage and discredited academic. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 78147 Aeson (Elfish)
Barstaer Yllsariph leads the industrious burg of Alylath. map Barstaer Yllsariph is a curious rogue, noble and baronet. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 4942 Aeson (Elfish)
Pansariph Kriborin leads the industrious burg of Syharen. map Pansariph Kriborin is a irritable cleric, acolyte and clergy. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 56266 Aeson (Elfish)
Kingdom of Lalor Diplomacy Summary
handshake The Friendly Philerus (Human) Khuld Khaganate is 730 miles away.
The Neutral Philerus (Human) Uminganese Khaganate is 760 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Principality of Khangorvania is 826 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Philerus (Human) Dut Khaganate is 979 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Philerus (Human) Bariatsian Theocracy is 864 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Philerus (Human) Choivegan Khaganate is 992 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Ulus of Khulag is 819 miles away.
The Neutral Lakitrius (Human) Duchy of Mightia is 689 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Duchy of Shroutumn is 789 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Philerus (Human) Ulus of Bulanonia is 924 miles away.
The Neutral Lakitrius (Human) Grand Duchy of Dawngeldia is 584 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Grand Duchy of Stilhandia is 754 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Erdedalian Theocracy is 849 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Thorvaultia is 472 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Lakitrius (Human) Thorwodian Theocracy is 340 miles away.
The Neutral Philerus (Human) Lus Theocracy is 953 miles away.
The Neutral Philerus (Human) Sainshigian Theocracy is 932 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Eagrosland is 568 miles away.
The Neutral Aeson (Elfish) Grand Duchy of Kyeralas is 120 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Principality of Stepmaw is 598 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Protectorate of Earthia is 687 miles away.
The Vassal Aeson (Elfish) Orwinese Empire is 240 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Dugarod (Orkish) Kingdom of Dur is 523 miles away.
groups The Ally Namur (Gnomish) Kumyan Horde is 772 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Lakitrius (Human) Principality of Beardia is 508 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Philerus (Human) Ikhkher Marches is 992 miles away.
groups The Ally Aeson (Elfish) Protectorate of Kelsenile is 82 miles away.
groups The Ally Yanien (Human) Thearchy of Sprinwia is 399 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Yanien (Human) Staglenese Empire is 322 miles away.
The Neutral Namur (Gnomish) Ayehir Horde is 728 miles away.
The Neutral Surgug (Orkish) Kingdom of Ugh is 1023 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Holy State of Scorcrosia is 692 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Houndkepia is 249 miles away.
groups The Ally Yanien (Human) Duchy of Snakia is 471 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Clearia is 805 miles away.
The Neutral Runurum (Dwarven) Principality of Khizdus is 496 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Runurum (Dwarven) Kingdom of Nabilnul is 431 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Namur (Gnomish) Viridyat Horde is 794 miles away.
groups The Ally Namur (Gnomish) Imamah of Bonuratstan is 910 miles away.
The Neutral Namur (Gnomish) Binop Horde is 791 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Stosian Theocracy is 436 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Lakitrius (Human) Grand Duchy of Nedenia is 448 miles away.

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Kingdom of Lalor Industrial Saga's navigation

Kingdom of Lalor Industrial Saga's navigation
The total income for the state of Kingdom of Lalor is 2,779,396 gold pieces(gp) annually.
Annaully the cost of importing these needed resources is 1,374,390gp.
Aluminum for around 980gp, Bananas for around 66gp, Bronze for around 54,152gp, Cattle for around 65,455gp, Cinnamon for around 66gp, Clay for around 18,472gp, Cloves for around 66gp, Coal for around 5,765gp, Cobalt for around 3,014gp, Cocoa for around 2,266gp, Coffee for around 66gp, Copper for around 26,979gp, Cotton for around 17,037gp, Deer for around 170gp, Diamonds for around 3,014gp, Duck for around 92gp, Dyes for around 193,641gp, Geese for around 262gp, Goats for around 1,434gp, Gypsum for around 10,614gp, Incense for around 15,937gp, Iron for around 70,469gp, Jade for around 3,014gp, Obsidian for around 980gp, Pearls for around 2,034gp, Perfume for around 180,879gp, Pigs for around 15,012gp, Platinum for around 233,538gp, Salt for around 980gp, Sheep for around 3,884gp, Silver for around 253,220gp, Springs for around 5,433gp, Stone for around 12,605gp, Sugar for around 66gp, Sulphur for around 14,588gp, Tabacco for around 621gp, Tea for around 849gp, Wheat for around 13,854gp, Wood for around 107,858gp, Wool for around 34,175gp, silk for around 783gp,
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