Kingdom of Nabilnul

The Kingdom of Nabilnul's state capital is Nabilnul map
Bellelin Lassmun leads the industrious Kingdom of Nabilnul from the capital of Nabilnul. map Bellelin Lassmun is a sincere wizard, folk hero and i stole from a corrupt merchant to help the poor.. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 49865 Runurum (Dwarven)
Tysria Byllekyl leads the industrious burg of Nuzurbiz. map Tysria Byllekyl is a groveling paladin, acolyte and clergy. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 1623 Runurum (Dwarven)
Runlinn Germund leads the industrious burg of Zizad. map Runlinn Germund is a apathetic druid, acolyte and priest. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 12865 Runurum (Dwarven)
Rannur Rynbek leads the industrious burg of Gabunazil. map Rannur Rynbek is a sincere fighter, sage and alchemist. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 3685 Runurum (Dwarven)
Nessyl Marnur leads the industrious burg of Tuzah. map Nessyl Marnur is a domineering barbarian, sage and wizard's apprentice. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 4676 Runurum (Dwarven)
Brytros Arkohm leads the industrious burg of Khiz. map Brytros Arkohm is a deceptive druid, folk hero and recruited into a lord's army, i rose to leadership and was commended for my heroism.. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 18399 Runurum (Dwarven)
Bonnbera Edron leads the industrious burg of Nulgab. map Bonnbera Edron is a ponderous barbarian, sage and researcher. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 14195 Runurum (Dwarven)
Gymniss Tismar leads the industrious burg of Baled. map Gymniss Tismar is a quiet warlock, folk hero and i led a militia to fight off an invading army.. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 54962 Runurum (Dwarven)
Carthana Aryeras leads the industrious burg of Sylmanalos. map Carthana Aryeras is a dishonest barbarian, criminal and fence. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 4027 Filvendor (Elfish)
Ketglian Mystdal leads the industrious burg of Nahar. map Ketglian Mystdal is a friendly rogue, soldier and quartermaster. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 41124 Runurum (Dwarven)
Nassgwyn Gwennom leads the industrious burg of Shatholukk. map Nassgwyn Gwennom is a courageous paladin, noble and marquess/marquise. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 5198 Runurum (Dwarven)
Jennas Barron leads the industrious burg of Bizaddundab. map Jennas Barron is a kind bard, soldier and officer. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 3269 Runurum (Dwarven)
Grenthrum Dearkyl leads the industrious burg of Shazabarak. map Grenthrum Dearkyl is a loyal wizard, acolyte and priest. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 56080 Runurum (Dwarven)
Einleil Rynram leads the industrious burg of Nahar. map Einleil Rynram is a determined wizard, acolyte and priest. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 85545 Runurum (Dwarven)
Byldora Tyshkam leads the industrious burg of Shundab. map Byldora Tyshkam is a satisfied warlock, soldier and quartermaster. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 6024 Runurum (Dwarven)
Relgalyn Jilyeras leads the industrious burg of Drethela. map Relgalyn Jilyeras is a disparaging sorcerer, folk hero and i stole from a corrupt merchant to help the poor.. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 4619 Filvendor (Elfish)
Kingdom of Nabilnul Diplomacy Summary
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Khuld Khaganate is 1159 miles away.
swords The Enemy Philerus (Human) Uminganese Khaganate is 1182 miles away.
The Neutral Philerus (Human) Principality of Khangorvania is 1209 miles away.
The Neutral Philerus (Human) Dut Khaganate is 1352 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Philerus (Human) Bariatsian Theocracy is 1263 miles away.
The Neutral Philerus (Human) Choivegan Khaganate is 1402 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Philerus (Human) Ulus of Khulag is 1248 miles away.
The Unknown Lakitrius (Human) Duchy of Mightia is 1009 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Duchy of Shroutumn is 1152 miles away.
The Neutral Philerus (Human) Ulus of Bulanonia is 1316 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Grand Duchy of Dawngeldia is 924 miles away.
The Neutral Lakitrius (Human) Grand Duchy of Stilhandia is 1101 miles away.
The Neutral Philerus (Human) Erdedalian Theocracy is 1214 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Thorvaultia is 751 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Thorwodian Theocracy is 687 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Philerus (Human) Lus Theocracy is 1305 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Philerus (Human) Sainshigian Theocracy is 1354 miles away.
The Neutral Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Eagrosland is 947 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Aeson (Elfish) Grand Duchy of Kyeralas is 382 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Principality of Stepmaw is 901 miles away.
The Neutral Lakitrius (Human) Protectorate of Earthia is 1046 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Aeson (Elfish) Orwinese Empire is 671 miles away.
groups The Ally Dugarod (Orkish) Kingdom of Dur is 949 miles away.
groups The Ally Namur (Gnomish) Kumyan Horde is 964 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Principality of Beardia is 824 miles away.
The Neutral Philerus (Human) Ikhkher Marches is 1382 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Aeson (Elfish) Protectorate of Kelsenile is 505 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Aeson (Elfish) Kingdom of Lalor is 431 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Yanien (Human) Thearchy of Sprinwia is 827 miles away.
groups The Ally Yanien (Human) Staglenese Empire is 736 miles away.
The Neutral Namur (Gnomish) Ayehir Horde is 915 miles away.
The Neutral Surgug (Orkish) Kingdom of Ugh is 1310 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Holy State of Scorcrosia is 962 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Houndkepia is 541 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Yanien (Human) Duchy of Snakia is 898 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Clearia is 1091 miles away.
The Rival Runurum (Dwarven) Principality of Khizdus is 250 miles away.
The Unknown Namur (Gnomish) Viridyat Horde is 935 miles away.
groups The Ally Namur (Gnomish) Imamah of Bonuratstan is 1116 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Namur (Gnomish) Binop Horde is 954 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Stosian Theocracy is 546 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Grand Duchy of Nedenia is 668 miles away.

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The total income for the state of Kingdom of Nabilnul is 6,651,387 gold pieces(gp) annually.
Annaully the cost of importing these needed resources is 2,509,839gp.
Bananas for around 173gp, Cattle for around 180,002gp, Coal for around 17,789gp, Cobalt for around 8,555gp, Cotton for around 43,022gp, Crabs for around 2,376gp, Duck for around 239gp, Ducks for around 420gp, Dyes for around 400,900gp, Fish for around 11,326gp, Geese for around 659gp, Goats for around 4,214gp, Gold for around 618,707gp, Honey for around 32,708gp, Horses for around 14,287gp, Iron for around 194,374gp, Ivory for around 26,011gp, Obsidian for around 2,885gp, Pearls for around 5,670gp, Perfume for around 365,816gp, Pigs for around 34,822gp, Platinum for around 488,735gp, Springs for around 12,534gp, Sugar for around 173gp, Tabacco for around 1,957gp, Tobacco for around 2,549gp, Whales for around 2,376gp, Wheat for around 34,184gp, silk for around 2,376gp,
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