Kingdom of Clearia

The Kingdom of Clearia's state capital is Crystrand map
Spike Darkripper leads the industrious Kingdom of Clearia from the capital of Crystrand. map Spike Darkripper is a honest bard, noble and baronet. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 12991 Lakitrius (Human)
Antonie Orbblood leads the industrious burg of Favengview. map Antonie Orbblood is a arrogant monk, criminal and burglar. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 5433 Lakitrius (Human)
Watkins Ravenglide leads the industrious burg of Nehaterses. map Watkins Ravenglide is a wicked ranger, soldier and quartermaster. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 1876 Lakitrius (Human)
Marque Stonefeather leads the industrious burg of Castlere. map Marque Stonefeather is a pessimistic cleric, criminal and highway robber. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 36584 Lakitrius (Human)
JanMartin Sageshot leads the industrious burg of Horevein. map JanMartin Sageshot is a kind monk, acolyte and priest. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 5602 Lakitrius (Human)
Cribash Narsik leads the industrious burg of Drukh. map Cribash Narsik is a sincere barbarian, noble and viscount/viscountess. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 36766 Surgug (Orkish)
Anuschka Leafdew leads the industrious burg of Swanfone. map Anuschka Leafdew is a charming cleric, folk hero and i stood alone against a terrible monster.. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 15543 Lakitrius (Human)
Carina Bloodbloom leads the industrious burg of Scorcre. map Carina Bloodbloom is a dauntless druid, sage and astronomer. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 5960 Lakitrius (Human)
Jacque Rageblossom leads the industrious burg of Bayfrost. map Jacque Rageblossom is a picky wizard, noble and knight. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 5742 Lakitrius (Human)
Radclyffe Lightninghand leads the industrious burg of Stoneverch. map Radclyffe Lightninghand is a happy warlock, noble and craftsman. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 78287 Lakitrius (Human)
Sasna Wyverndancer leads the industrious burg of Whiremide. map Sasna Wyverndancer is a daring bard, sage and professor. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 3299 Lakitrius (Human)
Luwanna Lightbough leads the industrious burg of Highpass. map Luwanna Lightbough is a ambitious sorcerer, sage and librarian. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 2769 Lakitrius (Human)
Wetherby Farrowglow leads the industrious burg of Willows. map Wetherby Farrowglow is a stern warlock, criminal and highway robber. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 4996 Lakitrius (Human)
Winfrid Darkrock leads the industrious burg of Lostpoint. map Winfrid Darkrock is a persistent monk, criminal and pickpocket. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 16427 Lakitrius (Human)
Gard Nightpike leads the industrious burg of Dewgle. map Gard Nightpike is a funny monk, folk hero and i led a militia to fight off an invading army.. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 83858 Lakitrius (Human)
Kingdom of Clearia Diplomacy Summary
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Khuld Khaganate is 671 miles away.
swords The Enemy Philerus (Human) Uminganese Khaganate is 588 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Principality of Khangorvania is 363 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Dut Khaganate is 394 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Philerus (Human) Bariatsian Theocracy is 463 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Philerus (Human) Choivegan Khaganate is 602 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Ulus of Khulag is 720 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Lakitrius (Human) Duchy of Mightia is 141 miles away.
The Neutral Lakitrius (Human) Duchy of Shroutumn is 262 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Ulus of Bulanonia is 452 miles away.
swords The Enemy Lakitrius (Human) Grand Duchy of Dawngeldia is 247 miles away.
The Rival Lakitrius (Human) Grand Duchy of Stilhandia is 194 miles away.
swords The Enemy Philerus (Human) Erdedalian Theocracy is 290 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Thorvaultia is 345 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Thorwodian Theocracy is 467 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Lus Theocracy is 298 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Sainshigian Theocracy is 669 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Eagrosland is 344 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Aeson (Elfish) Grand Duchy of Kyeralas is 926 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Principality of Stepmaw is 206 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Lakitrius (Human) Protectorate of Earthia is 246 miles away.
groups The Ally Aeson (Elfish) Orwinese Empire is 719 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Dugarod (Orkish) Kingdom of Dur is 594 miles away.
groups The Ally Namur (Gnomish) Kumyan Horde is 248 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Principality of Beardia is 297 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Ikhkher Marches is 482 miles away.
groups The Ally Aeson (Elfish) Protectorate of Kelsenile is 736 miles away.
groups The Ally Aeson (Elfish) Kingdom of Lalor is 805 miles away.
groups The Ally Yanien (Human) Thearchy of Sprinwia is 763 miles away.
The Neutral Yanien (Human) Staglenese Empire is 838 miles away.
The Neutral Namur (Gnomish) Ayehir Horde is 273 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Surgug (Orkish) Kingdom of Ugh is 221 miles away.
The Rival Lakitrius (Human) Holy State of Scorcrosia is 130 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Houndkepia is 575 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Yanien (Human) Duchy of Snakia is 783 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Runurum (Dwarven) Principality of Khizdus is 949 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Runurum (Dwarven) Kingdom of Nabilnul is 1091 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Namur (Gnomish) Viridyat Horde is 360 miles away.
groups The Ally Namur (Gnomish) Imamah of Bonuratstan is 230 miles away.
The Neutral Namur (Gnomish) Binop Horde is 313 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Stosian Theocracy is 568 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Grand Duchy of Nedenia is 424 miles away.

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The total income for the state of Kingdom of Clearia is 5,995,605 gold pieces(gp) annually.
Annaully the cost of importing these needed resources is 2,354,751gp.
Bananas for around 165gp, Bronze for around 136,621gp, Coal for around 15,586gp, Cobalt for around 8,612gp, Coffee for around 165gp, Cotton for around 38,954gp, Crabs for around 1,404gp, Duck for around 220gp, Dyes for around 349,878gp, Fish for around 10,698gp, Furs for around 31,011gp, Goats for around 3,455gp, Gold for around 559,104gp, Incense for around 37,537gp, Jade for around 8,612gp, Pearls for around 5,760gp, Pigs for around 31,373gp, Platinum for around 445,671gp, Rice for around 9,273gp, Silver for around 500,301gp, Spices for around 17,762gp, Springs for around 12,635gp, Stone for around 32,146gp, Tabacco for around 1,829gp, Tea for around 2,568gp, Whales for around 1,404gp, Wine for around 12,150gp, Wool for around 77,454gp, silk for around 2,403gp,
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