Thearchy of Sprinwia

The Thearchy of Sprinwia's state capital is Clif map
Rylie Whitgaze leads the industrious Thearchy of Sprinwia from the capital of Clif. map Rylie Whitgaze is a smart rogue, folk hero and i stole from a corrupt merchant to help the poor.. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 100932 Yanien (Human)
Annamaria Wisetrack leads the industrious burg of Deercross. map Annamaria Wisetrack is a adventurous barbarian, sage and wizard's apprentice. They responsible for the welfare and betterment of 1179 Yanien (Human)
Thearchy of Sprinwia Diplomacy Summary
handshake The Friendly Philerus (Human) Khuld Khaganate is 371 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Philerus (Human) Uminganese Khaganate is 435 miles away.
The Neutral Philerus (Human) Principality of Khangorvania is 605 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Dut Khaganate is 761 miles away.
The Neutral Philerus (Human) Bariatsian Theocracy is 598 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Choivegan Khaganate is 687 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Ulus of Khulag is 452 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Duchy of Mightia is 622 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Duchy of Shroutumn is 618 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Ulus of Bulanonia is 670 miles away.
swords The Enemy Lakitrius (Human) Grand Duchy of Dawngeldia is 518 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Grand Duchy of Stilhandia is 623 miles away.
swords The Enemy Philerus (Human) Erdedalian Theocracy is 663 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Thorvaultia is 552 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Thorwodian Theocracy is 400 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Lus Theocracy is 777 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Sainshigian Theocracy is 594 miles away.
The Neutral Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Eagrosland is 424 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Aeson (Elfish) Grand Duchy of Kyeralas is 456 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Principality of Stepmaw is 589 miles away.
The Neutral Lakitrius (Human) Protectorate of Earthia is 547 miles away.
groups The Ally Aeson (Elfish) Orwinese Empire is 166 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Dugarod (Orkish) Kingdom of Dur is 213 miles away.
The Neutral Namur (Gnomish) Kumyan Horde is 853 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Principality of Beardia is 515 miles away.
groups The Ally Philerus (Human) Ikhkher Marches is 737 miles away.
groups The Ally Aeson (Elfish) Protectorate of Kelsenile is 339 miles away.
groups The Ally Aeson (Elfish) Kingdom of Lalor is 399 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Yanien (Human) Staglenese Empire is 121 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Namur (Gnomish) Ayehir Horde is 825 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Surgug (Orkish) Kingdom of Ugh is 943 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Holy State of Scorcrosia is 700 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Houndkepia is 464 miles away.
The Rival Yanien (Human) Duchy of Snakia is 71 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Kingdom of Clearia is 763 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Runurum (Dwarven) Principality of Khizdus is 882 miles away.
sentiment_dissatisfied The Suspicion Runurum (Dwarven) Kingdom of Nabilnul is 827 miles away.
The Neutral Namur (Gnomish) Viridyat Horde is 923 miles away.
The Neutral Namur (Gnomish) Imamah of Bonuratstan is 950 miles away.
The Neutral Namur (Gnomish) Binop Horde is 899 miles away.
handshake The Friendly Lakitrius (Human) Stosian Theocracy is 694 miles away.
groups The Ally Lakitrius (Human) Grand Duchy of Nedenia is 607 miles away.

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The total income for the state of Thearchy of Sprinwia is 966,620 gold pieces(gp) annually.
Annaully the cost of importing these needed resources is 694,596gp.
Aluminum for around 268gp, Amber for around 268gp, Bananas for around 32gp, Bronze for around 10,576gp, Cattle for around 14,670gp, Chickens for around 2,295gp, Cinnamon for around 32gp, Clay for around 2,893gp, Cloves for around 32gp, Cobalt for around 574gp, Cocoa for around 1,271gp, Coffee for around 32gp, Copper for around 4,711gp, Cosmetics for around 86,936gp, Cotton for around 3,092gp, Crabs for around 702gp, Deer for around 126gp, Diamonds for around 574gp, Duck for around 41gp, Ducks for around 126gp, Fish for around 1,199gp, Geese for around 167gp, Goats for around 485gp, Gold for around 105,015gp, Honey for around 3,424gp, Horses for around 883gp, Incense for around 3,782gp, Iron for around 13,865gp, Ivory for around 2,398gp, Jade for around 574gp, Marble for around 93,078gp, Obsidian for around 268gp, Peacocks for around 126gp, Pearls for around 306gp, Perfume for around 89,813gp, Pigs for around 4,457gp, Platinum for around 94,108gp, Rice for around 500gp, Salt for around 268gp, Sheep for around 473gp, Silk for around 2,299gp, Silver for around 103,317gp, Spices for around 1,517gp, Springs for around 1,610gp, Stone for around 3,355gp, Sugar for around 32gp, Sulphur for around 1,906gp, Tabacco for around 182gp, Tobacco for around 158gp, Whales for around 702gp, Wheat for around 2,376gp, Wine for around 1,044gp, Wood for around 23,616gp, Wool for around 7,916gp, silk for around 126gp,
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